Military Voice Blog

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    The Journey of Indigenous Australians in the Australian Military

    Australia's First Nations people have a long and proud history of military service. Even before Federation of...

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    The Lovett Family: Honouring the Indigenous Australians who Contributed to Australia's Military History

    The contribution of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to Australia's military history spans over a century,...

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    Indigenous Service in the Australian Light Horse Regiment

    The 6th Light Horse Regiment was established in Sydney in September 1914 from soldiers who had enlisted in New South...

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    Continuing the journey towards reconciliation

    Defence is an ongoing supporter of National Reconciliation Week, and celebrates annually from May 27 - June 3.

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    Stories of Indigenous Service

    Produced by the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA), this is an engaging look at Australia's involvement in wars and...

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    International Fleet Review 2022

    On November 6, Australian vessels joined nearly 40 other ships and submarines in a ceremonial formation near Tokyo. The...

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    Corporal Harry Thorpe MM

    Harry Thorpe was a Brabuwooloong man from near Lakes Entrance in Victoria. He was born at the Lake Tyers Mission...

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