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    Mounting Your Own Medals? This is your DIY Guide

    Medals are symbols of honour, courage, and dedication. For many Australians, these medals represent personal...

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    Why Personalised Medal Display Frames Make the Perfect Keepsake?

    Military, police, and emergency services are a noble commitment that deserves to be honoured and remembered. For...

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    All About Medals

    There are hundreds of medals issued to military, police, emergency services and civilians. Each Award is governed by...

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    Act Early to Prepare Your Medals for Anzac Day

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    Precious Medals Just In Time

    The Australian Government will mark the 50th anniversary of the end of Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War with...

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    Helping veterans keep stunning original medals safe.

    Medals are highly treasured items for veterans and their families, for both their significance and their value. The...

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    Medal - Frequently Asked Question


    Order of Wear- Medals are worn in the position notified by the Governor-General inThe Order of Wearing...

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    Medals of World War 2

    Like nearly every other country in the world, Australia has a system of honours and awards so its citizens can be...

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    A Victoria Cross for Australia

    On 15 January 1991, Queen Elizabeth II, in her capacity as Monarch of Australia, signed letters patent allowing...

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    Remembering Australia's War in Korea

    8 January 1958 marks the day on which the last Australian servicemen departed from Korea as part of the United Nations...

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